

Well, so far I have not done too well on my new year's resolutions. My activator (strengthsfinder reference) gave me all kind of ideas, but so far I have not followed through! I still have two days in January, so I have the opportunity to make three total posts during this month!

I just spent a week in Orlando at an intensive seminary class, and I have a small break between the J-term and my spring classes. ONLY FOUR MORE AND I WILL BE A SEMINARY GRADUATE!!!!!! I can taste that sweetness of not having books, papers, and deadlines looming over me - five years is a long time to wear that yoke!

Wesley has started back and we have returned to having our services in our building. Last semester was great at the Classic Center, but we are back home and loving it. We turn the prayer chapel into an overflow room where we have live worship and a piped in video feed of Bob preaching. It has gone really well the past three weeks. Our hope is to rent a room in the New student center that will be more convenient to our students and less of a financial burden on our ministry.

OK...Fields is crying....

Till tomorrow,

Clay for the Kirklands


New Year Brings New Things

Happy New Year! Tis the season for resolutions, and since I am an activator (strengthsfinder refererence), below you will find a few of my 'blog' resolutions....

- I am going to blog more than once a month

- I will respond to other people's blogs (do unto others...)

- Our blog will be more diverse. We are moving toward a more electronic update style of communication with our supporters, so I plan to add much more content about Wesley and our ministry.

- More pictures of Fields (he is changing so fast!)

- I will learn how to 'spruce' up the layout of our page

More than likely, I will need some accountability in order to achieve these lofty goals!

clay for the kirklands